













当初我没意识到,我像个僵尸在校园中游荡时,身边的人只能无助地目睹我逐渐消逝的灵魂。2010年,我从马来西亚到纽西兰的一所舞蹈学院(NZSD)追寻我的芭蕾梦想,但我严重缺乏自信,以至于抑郁,并患上饮食失调症而不自知。在两个月内瘦了逾10 公斤,体重仅剩下 38 公斤。


Lee Jia Xi照片来源:Joie Koo
















李佳昕 作为Tarinao创办人,佳昕与《禁止核武器条约》之友(Rakan TPNW,SGM的一项社交媒体倡议)联手举办线上“反核舞起”舞蹈艺术表演。



2020 年,当新冠肺炎开始肆虐全球时,我有了很多空余时间。受到日莲佛法充满希望哲理的启发,我一直在想: “我该如何通过我的舞蹈能力给别人带来希望?”

当SGM在社交媒体发起一项活动,鼓励年轻人支持联合国《禁止核武器条约》(TPNW),我抓住机会,根据国际创价学会(Soka Gakkai International,简称SGI)的禁止核武器展览“你所珍惜的一切”,编制了一支两分钟的独舞。作为这项活动的其中一部分,我还邀请了其他8位艺术家,于2020年7月7日在脸书上与我一起现场表演,吸引了700人在线上观看。

主流媒体也报道了这场演出。同年9月30日,马来西亚在政经动荡的局面中批准了这项条约。这让我非常兴奋,也为马来西亚成为批准《禁止核武器条约》的首 50 个国家之一而感到自豪。


Lee Jia Xi在疫情期间,我几乎失去所有收入来源,但我受到了巨大守护,因为我获得一份高于平均薪资的工作,并且可以居家办公。此外,我也有幸获得马来西亚一项著名的表演艺术奖。


我为自己的幸福负起所有责任,这也会影响我生活的各个方面和身边的人——包括我的丈夫和学生的幸福。佛法是一场永无止境的胜负之战。每当我沮丧时,我会提醒自己“《法华经》虽然是一把宝剑,但它的威力也是要看使用的人如何来决定。” (御书文白III,212页)。我尽情挥舞这把《法华经》的宝剑,每天持续唱题,积极支援地区广布活动。在这个依然推崇美与卓越的陈规定型标准的精英行业里,我努力突破日常工作中的种种障碍。通过向学生灌输尊重多样性和创造价值的哲理,我的工作已成为我的使命。只有通过内心的转变,每天克服自身的弱点,我才能在追求幸福所面对的挑战中进一步拓展自己的人生。




I didn’t realise it back then; as I walked around the campus like a zombie, the others just helplessly witnessed my soul leaving its body gradually. Having just arrived from Malaysia to pursue my ballet dream at the New Zealand School of Dance (NZSD) in 2010, I severely lacked the confidence to the point of depression. Little did I know I had developed an eating disorder; I lost more than 10 kg in just two months, and my weighing scale tipped only at 38 kg.

I sat next to a school’s pianists who played for our classes on one typical day. A word caught my eyes. Through his pile of papers, I glimpsed the word “Buddha.”

Lee Jia Xi
Photo by Joie Koo

The pianist lent me a book and other material introducing Nichiren Buddhism and stories of how it has transformed people’s lives. I was intrigued, and that very night, I chanted my first Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I was taking action for my life. I was sceptical at first, but I could feel the happiness exhilarated within me when I chanted.

As I received so much care and kindness from the Soka Gakkai members around me, I decided to join the Soka Gakkai. Promising myself that if none from the list of impossible prayers I made were answered after my practice in five years, I’d quit.

My prayers included the following: to be someone who has a story to tell, to have a harmonious family, to have a great bunch of good friends, to develop a strong personality and stable emotions, and of course, to be free from depression and eating disorders.

Today, more than ten years later, I’m still practising! I was able to achieve all that I prayed for and more.

Regaining Hope and Appreciation

A sense of hope and purpose knocked me off after a while. I began to believe that I could bring positive change to those around me through my practice. Inspired by Nichiren’s writing titled “The Four Debts of Gratitude”, especially on one of the four debts owed to one’s parents, I started making conscious efforts to mend my relationship with my estranged parents.

My hatred toward my father evaporated when I asked him, “What’s your dream?” and he responded, “I have a wife and kids, and the only dream I have is that whatever they want, I can give it to them.” I could not believe such a simple dream drove a man of his pride and that I was part of his dream.

Before my Buddhist practice, my mother and I hardly communicate. Put us in a room, and we would get into a heated argument soon. One day, we had a genuine heart-to-heart conversation where we talked for more than three hours cordially. She told me how proud she was of me, and we hugged! As a typical Chinese family, we rarely express our love or respect for each other. I never thought that this day would come so quickly and dramatically after I began chanting about a harmonious family. Inspired by the change she saw in me, my mother became a Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) member in 2017.

The Encouragement I Needed

After I graduated from the NZSD, I was the only female in my class to be employed by one of the few ballet companies in Southeast Asia. However, my dream of becoming a ballerina quickly turned into a nightmare. I struggled to build a good work relationship with my employer to the point that my colleagues were concerned about my well-being.

The thought of going to work every day was dreadful. All I could do was keep chanting and studying Buddhism.

President Daisaku Ikeda’s encouragement inspired me: “The world is your stage.”

As a dancer, I always thought that the stage was my world, but suddenly I realised, “No, the world is my stage!” My Buddha potential is limitless! I should be performing in the world, not just on a black-box stage. I realised that I could have the courage to listen to my heart’s desires. I was learning, slowly but surely, how to face all of life’s challenges with wisdom and courage, and I was learning compassion, not just for myself but also for others.

Since then, I have completed an audition tour for ballet companies in New York and Europe. I also completed my degree in psychology with first-class honours.

Lee Jia Xi
As Director of Tarinao, Jia Xi collaborated with Rakan TPNW (an initiative of SGM) in organising the #DanceforNUKEBan event.

Leaping into Action

When the Covic-19 pandemic started in 2020, I found myself with much free time. Inspired by the hope-filled philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism, I kept thinking to myself, “How can I give hope to others through my ability to dance?”

When SGM held a social media campaign to engage youth to support the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), I grabbed the opportunity to choreograph a two-minute dance solo based on SGI (Soka Gakkai International)’s anti-nuclear exhibition “Everything You Treasure”. I also gathered eight other artists to perform live with me on Facebook on 7 July 2020 as part of this campaign, with 700 audiences watching virtually.

The event was reported on mainstream media. On September 30 of that year, Malaysia ratified the treaty amidst political and economic turmoil. I was thrilled with this outcome and proud that Malaysia was one of the first 50 countries to make nuclear weapons illegal officially.

Growing Happiness

I lost almost all my sources of income during the pandemic, but I was highly protected as I was offered a job with an above-average salary and was able to work from home. I also had the good fortune of winning a prestigious performing arts award in Malaysia.

In 2021, I was interviewed by the principal of the oldest ballet school in Singapore—a world-renowned ballet master and teacher—and was offered a full-time teaching position. I believe, as a dancer, I have taken action for the industry, but as a teacher, I can take action to transform the industry. In November of the same year, I got married to my amazingly supportive husband, who makes me smile and laugh each day. Despite my occasional tears, I have changed and become stronger.

Taking full responsibility for my happiness also impacts every aspect of my life and the people around me, including my husband’s and students’ happiness. Buddhism is a never-ending battle between winning and losing. Whenever I feel down, I remind myself that “The Lotus Sutra is a fine sword, but its might depends on the one who wields it” (WND-1, p. 953). Wielding the sword of the Lotus Sutra through chanting and actively supporting my local Buddhist activities, I strive to break through the daily work obstacles in an elite industry that still glorifies a stereotyped standard of beauty and excellence. My work has become my mission by instilling respect for diversity and value-creation among my students. Only through my inner transformation to overcome my weaknesses each day, I further expand my life amidst all challenges in my pursuit of happiness.

Looking back on myself as an insecure, depressed, and invisible 19-year-old, I took the wisest possible five-year gamble to try out this practice. Without chanting, I would not have had the courage to live the life that is uniquely and assuredly mine while continuing to be more compassionate and hopeful.

My happiness has grown day by day for 12 years now, and if I keep striving in my Buddhist practice, I believe my joy will have no boundary.

*Jia Xi currently resides in Singapore
