A selection of quotes from Daisaku Ikeda’s published works on inspiration for daily living.
01 February
Those who can find joy in everything, who can transform everything into joy, are genuine experts in the art of living.
02 February
The courageous actions engraved in our lives will become the power to open a brilliant future. The difficult road of adversity will become a golden path leading to the summit of victory.
03 February
Dialogue is fruitful when both parties set aside the trappings of power and position to discuss various problems in depth and frankly and openly express their viewpoints.
04 February
Extending a hand of assistance to people who are suffering the most is the way to open the path of happiness for all.
05 February
In order to become truly happy, one needs a philosophy that clarifies what happiness really is. A philosophy is nothing more than a system of thought upon which we base our lives.
06 February
In life, there are fierce storms and dark nights. If we can persevere through the hard times, we will arrive at a new morning of immense happiness that outshines our past sufferings, no matter how deep those may have been.
07 February
Working for peace, protesting war, and putting a stop to violence—this is a common path for human beings that transcends religious dogma. Addressing such issues is also the original purpose of religion.
08 February
Striving is the springboard to success and victory.
09 February
Words of conviction backed by personal experience have the power to dispel the dark clouds of suffering obscuring a friend’s life.
10 February
“Goodness" can be defined as that which moves us in the direction of harmonious coexistence, empathy and solidarity with others.
11 February
This moment, this instant is important, not some unknown time in the future. Today, this very day, is what matters.
12 February
A firm determination is crucial. Without determination, a person is defeated before they even start to fight.
13 February
To be fearless no matter what happens—that is the root of true happiness. To move forward resolutely regardless of what lies in store—that is the spirit, the resolve, that leads to human victory.
14 February
The truth is, ideal love is fostered only between two sincere, mature and independent people. It is essential, therefore, that you work on polishing yourself first.
15 February
Our struggles to overcome difficulties become our greatest treasures and make our lives shine.
16 February
It is expounded that even the treasures of the entire major world system cannot equal the value of one's body and life. Even the treasures that fill the major world system are no substitue for life.
17 February
The harder we continue to strive without letting difficulties defeat us, the more our spirits are forged, strengthened, and deepened, fostering the power to overcome any challenge.
18 February
Each day, every challenge -- if met with a buoyant and serious spirit -- brings its own splendid victory.
19 February
There are countless people in the world whose hearts have been wounded in some way. We need to extend a healing hand to such individuals. Through such efforts, we in fact heal ourselves.
20 February
One always feels uncertain when facing new challenges, but the key to growth is to overcome that fear and press onward, step by step.
21 February
People who bring joy to everything they do in life are strong because in so doing, they express their autonomy instead of being driven simply by a sense of duty.
22 February
The road we travel is long, but we must press onward. Such tenacious, persevering efforts will give rise to an impetus toward peace that will spread throughout the world.
23 February
Success in life hinges on the determination one upholds.
24 February
Big problems start small. Being attentive to small problems is the way to prevent major problems.
25 February
Rather than stand to one side and ponder how the future might develop, we must focus on what each of us can do at this critical moment, the role each of us can choose to play in changing the direction of history.
26 February
For people with an unflagging commitment to self-improvement, anywhere can be a place of learning.
27 February
The joy of succeeding after putting in dedicated effort becomes a great source of self-confidence. One victory leads to a breakthrough and serves as a springboard for all future victories.
28 February
Those who make the greatest effort achieve the most growth.
29 February
The harder we continue to strive without letting difficulties defeat us, the more our spirits are forged, strengthened, and deepened, fostering the power to overcome any challenge. At the same time, we attain an expansive life state that enables us to understand the sufferings and sorrows of others, to empathize with those who are struggling, and to sincerely support and encourage them.