A selection of quotes from Daisaku Ikeda’s published works on inspiration for daily living.
01 March
When a philosophy of respect for the supreme dignity and preciousness of life becomes deeply rooted in the hearts of people all around the world, it will be possible for humanity to come together in the cause of peace.
02 March
Peace and goodwill begins with trust and friendship between individuals. Bringing together the hearts of the peoples of the world is the way to build a firm foundation for peace. Such humane ties form the fabric of peace.
03 March
One who loves nature can cherish other people, value peace and possess a richness of character unfettered by selfish calculations of personal gain or loss. Those who live in a calculating way will end up calculating their own worth detrimentally. Such a life is limited in the extreme. Nature, however, is infinite.
04 March
Friendship is the most beautiful, most powerful and most valuable treasure in life.
05 March
All struggles are a struggle against time. Those who hesitate or waste time will be defeated.
06 March
Nothing can be achieved by giving up. Peace is a struggle against resignation.
07 March
A genuine sense of responsibility is reflected in attention to the small details that no one else focuses on, bringing things to perfection.
08 March
Women are the true protagonists in building a better society; their wisdom and actions are the driving force for the creation of an age of peace and democratic humanism.
09 March
Real global citizenship starts with recognizing the dignity and worth of all people and fostering the spirit to expand ties of friendship.
10 March
A person who respects others is respected by others in return. Those who treat others with compassion and concern are protected and supported by others. Our environment is essentially a reflection of ourselves.
11 March
Friendly greetings serve as an opening to heart-to-heart exchange from which we can set out onto the ocean of friendship.
12 March
The way to overcome apathy is to return to one’s starting point.
13 March
Those who are facing stiff challenges are earnest. That seriousness provides the power to discipline and strengthen oneself and achieve remarkable growth.
14 March
Those who keep moving forward, advancing toward the light, continuously striving to improve themselves, can create genuine value. Herein lies the key to happiness.
15 March
One thing all great people have in common is modesty. Arrogance is a sign of a lack of true ability.
16 March
Now is the time to launch a fresh effort in earnest. Action is key. No matter how difficult the situation, action will move things in a new direction.
17 March
The key to realizing world peace and happiness for all humanity is for all people to join hands and strive together with an awareness that they share a common destiny.
18 March
Great music and art transcend national and ethnic barriers, resonating in people’s hearts and bringing them together.
19 March
People whose hearts are illuminated by the light of courage are able to defeat the darkness of suffering. The deeper the darkness, the brighter the sunrise.
20 March
Those who work for the happiness of others experience a far greater sense of happiness than those who live only for their own happiness. And there is nothing more beautiful than striving for the sake of others.
21 March
Courageous dialogue expands empathy and understanding; it can change the world.
22 March
Let us live with “a joyful heart.” To do that, we must win in life each day, continuously pressing forward with powerful life force.
23 March
Every hardship will make our personal experience shine that much more brightly. Each challenge will enable us to accumulate more strength. Only by striving our hardest can we grow into true leaders.
24 March
When we discover and awaken to the significance of our circumstances, we are able to create value from them. That is also what engenders a strong, resourceful spirit.
25 March
It is not how you compare to others that is important, but rather how you compare to who you were yesterday. If you've advanced even one step, then you've achieved something great.
26 March
The way to build a glorious record of success is to continue to work with dedication, not wasting a moment. Though each individual step may be small, when accumulated they form a great advance.
27 March
Only through making efforts to improve and grow will your individuality shine—just as a sword is forged in the flames.
28 March
In all things, the beginning is important. It sets a precedent and something to aim toward, and all else follows on from there.
29 March
Uniting people’s hearts through dialogue is a force that creates a network for peace.
30 March
The times move and change. What is crucial is to move people’s hearts. When people change, history changes without fail.
31 March
There’s no distinction between friend and foe in the heart of a compassionate mother who loves her children. This is the starting point for love of humanity and peace. Returning to this spirit of motherly love is a certain means for peacefully resolving conflicts no matter how complicated the situation, even in the case of nations entangled in war.