The basic Buddhist practice of Soka Gakkai members is chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, reciting portions of the Lotus Sutra (referred to as gongyo) and sharing the teachings of Buddhism with others in order to help them overcome their problems.

The practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo was established by Nichiren (1222–82), a Japanese Buddhist priest who sought to restore Buddhism to its original intended form and identified the Lotus Sutra as the core teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha.
Central to the practice of Nichiren Buddhism is the Gohonzon, a scroll inscribed by Nichiren containing Chinese and Sanskrit characters that Soka Gakkai members focus on while chanting. The Gohonzon aids people in the process of perceiving and bringing forth the life condition of Buddhahood from within their lives.
Through the daily practice of gongyo individuals are able to polish, strengthen and transform their lives. Sharing the teachings of Buddhism makes this transformative power available to others and activates compassion. Practice is, therefore, for the happiness of both self and others.