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Buddhist Concepts​


In each moment of life there is profound potential. The teachings of Nichiren Buddhism awaken us to these transformative possibilities and enable us to harness them. The concepts here form the framework of this view of life and the practice of Nichiren Buddhism.

The Seven Parables of the Lotus Sutra Animation Series
The Lotus Sutra is widely regarded as one of the most important and influential sutras, or sacred scriptures, of Buddhism. SGM presents in animation form the easy-to-understand videos of the Seven Parables of the Lotus Sutra. Huan Huan, the little adventurer of Lotus Sutra, will share with you her research results on exploring the Seven Parables of the Lotus Sutra!
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The Oneness of Mentor and Disciple
The mentor’s life is focused on the empowerment of others, modeling the fact that our own highest potential and happiness are realized through taking action for others.
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Who is a Buddha?
The literal meaning of Buddha is “enlightened one.” Enlightenment is a fully awakened state of vast wisdom through which reality in all its complexity can be fully understood and enjoyed. Any human being who is awakened to the fundamental truth about life can be called a Buddha.
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The Ten Worlds
This concept of the “Ten Worlds” offers a useful framework for understanding both the changeable nature of our moods and the basic nature or tendencies of our character. More significantly, it provides us with a sense of the great possibility inherent in life at each moment.
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Source from Soka Global

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Discover Buddhist View Of Life
