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March 2021

In This Issue

From SGM General Director

Preparing to Build the Soka International School Malaysia
The front page of the February 25 edition of the Seikyo Shimbun reported that the Soka International School Malaysia (SISM) will be built in Malaysia.

Bersedia untuk Membina Sekolah Internasional Soka Malaysia
Halaman depan Seikyo Shimbun edisi 25 Februari melaporkan bahawa Sekolah Internasional Soka Malaysia (SISM) akan dibina di Malaysia.

From SGI President

Soka Champions of Encouragement by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

From SGI Honorary Women’s Leader

Let Us Strengthen Our Network of Value Creation by SGI Honorary Women’s Leader Kaneko Ikeda


The Brilliant Path of Worldwide Kosen-rufu: Learning from The New Human Revolution Commentary on Volume 25 by SGI Vice-President Hiromasa Ikeda

Chapter Summary for Volume 25 of The New Human Revolution from the Seikyo Shimbun

“Unforgettable Scenes” – Key Episodes from Volume 25 from the Seikyo Shimbun

Excerpts from Nichiren’s Writings of Volume 25 from the Seikyo Shimbun

Statement on the Entry into Force of the TPNW

SGM’s Statement on the Entry into Force of the TPNW

Renewing Ourselves Every Single Day by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

Currents by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

Let’s Unite in Faith!! by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

Halaman Kanak-Kanak

Shijo Kingo yang Tetap Meneruskan Amalan Kepercayaan Agama


Valiantly Dancing a Life of Soka Bonny Lee Teck Keong, Pahang


Making Art from Memories by Leong Tuck Yee



Editor’s Note


In his 39th Peace Proposal issued on January 26, Value Creation in a Time of Crisis, SGI President Daisaku Ikeda addressed major issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic, building a global culture of harmony and human rights, the need to get rid of nuclear weapons and the climate crisis. He proposed solutions for overcoming these challenges and called on the global community to together build a society realising “happiness for both oneself and others through bringing into full play the human capacity to create value.” [1]

When we look at the world today, people are only concerned about their own interests. Most people only care about themselves and their own families, placing their personal concerns above all else. People even resort to unethical methods, even damaging and sacrificing the needs of others in order to fulfil their own interests.

Looking at our pandemic-stricken society as an example, we can see that many people have had their spirits crushed and livelihoods destroyed – they are in dire straits. But the cruel reality is that they are ignored or discriminated against, – even excluded – leaving them isolated and helpless.

Even where the supply of vaccines is concerned, we see that countries only take care of their own needs and turn a blind eye to the needs of other countries.

On this, President Ikeda stressed that we must have the determination to never leave behind those struggling in the depths of adversity, lending them a helping hand, and shine the warm glow of concern in their lives. We must enable them to bring forth the strength to live with dignity and strive to build the foundations for a society where the word “misery” is eradicated.

In “The Three Virtues of Food,” Nichiren Daishonin writes: “If one gives food to others, one will improve one’s own lot, just as, for example, if one lights a fire for others, one will brighten one’s own way.” (WND-2, pg 1060) This teaches us that when we contribute to the wellbeing of others, we ourselves will receive benefit too.

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings states: “‘Joy’ means that oneself and others together experience joy.” (OTT, pg 146) True joy is when we and others enjoy happiness.

On this, President Ikeda says: “Happiness is something that we must each achieve for ourselves and experience in our own lives. But at the same time, one’s own happiness to the exclusion of others is not true happiness. Just being content with one’s own welfare with no concern for others is selfish. By the same token, brushing aside one’s own happiness and caring only about the happiness of others is not sufficient either. True happiness is a condition when both we ourselves and others are happy.” [2]

He also points out: “We cannot steal happiness from someone or attain it by sacrificing others for our own gain. It is something that must be shared – which is why I have always insisted that our happiness must not be built upon the misfortune of others.” [3]

We cannot live alone and isolated. Humankind has always been a community where we share joy and sorrow together. The thinking that helping others will only hurt our interests is the main reason for the terrible state that society is in today.

There is no life more noble than one dedicated to caring for and helping others, and enabling people to become happy.

Let us learn from this pandemic and transform this crisis into opportunity, and together build a society that realises happiness for both oneself and others!

[1] Pg 42 of this issue.
[2] FLOW No. 661 (01.10.2017), pg13–14.
[3] Ibid., pg 14.

The front page of the February 25 edition of the Seikyo Shimbun reported that the Soka International School Malaysia (SISM) will be built in Malaysia. The school’s founder SGI President Daisaku Ikeda presented the school with its founding spirit and mottoes in expressing his felicitations at this wonderful news. The spread of this news caused members nationwide to rejoice greatly.

After a gap of 26 years since the establishment of Tadika Seri Soka (TSS) in 1995, another school – a secondary school this time – that practises the educational ideals of the three founding presidents of the Soka Gakkai will be built in Malaysia. The path of Soka education has further expanded, truly a news that makes us feel happy and fortunate!

SISM will be located in Kayu Ara, an education hub between the state of Selangor and Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, and also close to Seremban. Transportation around this area is convenient.

The school campus is surrounded by a delightful environment and pleasant scenery, while the campus itself will have lush vegetation. The school will have the following facilities: a four- storey administration and teaching facilities block, two three-storey classroom and teaching facilities blocks, one double-storey visitors centre and two five-storey hostels for students and teachers. It also contains wonderful facilities such as a main hall, library, science labs, swimming pool and football field, making for an ideal learning environment.

According to the Seikyo Shimbun report, the SISM is slated to be completed and opened in 2023. It will use English as the instruction medium, and open to enrolment by Malaysian and overseas students. It will adopt the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) curriculum for junior high students and the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma programme for senior high students. Upon graduation, SISM students can apply to universities worldwide to further their studies, including Soka University Japan and Soka University of America.

Upholding the mottoes of “Be a Genuine Learner” and “Be a Global Citizen,” the SISM will strive to foster global citizens who possess wisdom, courage and compassion, contribute to world peace and create value for the happiness of humanity, just as the founder wishes.

To this end, the SISM will recruit qualified academic staff who are passionate about and has deep conviction in humanistic education. These educators will provide quality education that will encourage the students to take ownership of their learning, and employ an innovative curriculum and cocurricular programmes. This will not only hone the students’ characters, but also nurture each student’s unique capacity to learn, grow and create value.

The SISM has recruited Dr Nirmala Krishnan, an experienced educator from India, as its principal. After graduating from the University of Madras, she furthered her studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the USA. She was also the principal at a renowned international school in India and is an educator with rich experience.

As mentioned in the Seikyo Shimbun, this school is the first international school to bear the name “Soka,” and can be said to be the culmination of President Ikeda’s educational endeavours, after having established Soka schools around the world.

The SISM has a long road ahead, and a great mission beyond our imagination. Let us together cultivate this garden of education with all our might and take part in this once-in-a-lifetime endeavour. Let us ensure that the beautiful blossoms of Soka education will bloom resplendently in our country Malaysia!

Halaman depan Seikyo Shimbun edisi 25 Februari melaporkan bahawa Sekolah Internasional Soka Malaysia (SISM) akan dibina di Malaysia. Pengasas sekolah tersebut, Presiden SGI, Encik Daisaku Ikeda memberikan semangat pengasasan dan juga motonya kepada sekolah itu untuk menzahirkan perasaan tahniah beliau terhadap perkhabaran yang indah itu. Penyebaran berita itu telah membawa keriangan yang tidak terhingga keapda ahli Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) di seluruh negara.

Selepas jurang selama 26 tahun sejak penubuhan Tadika Seri Soka (TSS) pada tahun 1995, sebuah lagi sekolah – kali ini sebuah sekolah menengah – yang mendukung ideal-ideai pendidikan ketiga-tiga orang presiden pengasas Soka Gakkai akan dibina di Malaysia. Jalan pendidkan Soka sekali lagi diperluaskan, sesungguhnya berita ini menyebabkan kita berasa gembira dan bertuah!

SISM akan terletak di Kayu Ara, pusat pendidikan di antara negeri Selangor dan Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, dan lokasi itu juga dekat dengan Seremban. Pengangkutan di sekitar kawasan itu juga mudah digunakan.

Kampus sekolah tersebut dikelilingi oleh persekitaran yang menyeronokkan di samping pemandangan yang menyenangkan, sementara kampus itu sendiri mempunyai tumbuh-tumbuhan yang subur menghijau. Sekolah itu akan dilengkapi dengan kemudahan yang berikut: satu blok empat tingkat untuk pentadbiran dan kemudahan mengajar; dua blok tiga tingkat untuk kemudahan mengajar dan kelas pembelajaran; satu pusat pelawat dua tingkat dan dua blok asrama lima tingkat untuk pelajar dan guru. Selain itu, juga terdapat kemudahan seperti dewan utama, perpustakaan, makmal sains, kolam renang dan padang bola sepak, mewujudkan suasana pembelajaran yang unggul.

Menurut laporan dalam Seikyo Shimbun, SISM dijadualkan siap dibina dan dibuka untuk sesi pembelajaran pada tahun 2023. Bahasa Inggeris akan dijadikan sebagai bahasa pengantar, dan pendaftaran dibuka kepada pelajar-pelajar Malaysia dan juga luar negeri. Kurikulum Sijil Am Antarabangsa Pendidikan Menengah (International General Certificate of Secondary Education; IGCSE) untuk pelajar-pelajar menengah rendah manakala program diploma Sarjana Muda Antarabangsa (International Baccalaureate, IB) untuk pelajar-pelajar menengah atas. Setelah tamat pengajian, pelajar SISM boleh memohon untuk melanjutkan pelajaran mereka di universiti-universiti di seluruh dunia, termasuklah Universiti Soka Jepun dan Universiti Soka Amerika.

Menegakkan moto “Jadilah Pelajar yang Sejati” (“Be a Genuine Learner”) dan “Jadilah Warganegara Dunia” (“Be a Global Citizen”), SISM akan berusaha untuk memupuk dan mendidik warganegara global yang mempunyai kebijaksanaan, keberanian dan belas kasihan, menyumbang kepada keamanan dunia dan mencipta nilai demi kebahagiaan manusia, sama seperti hasrat pengasasnya.

Untuk tujuan itu, SISM akan menggaji staf akademik yang layak di samping mempunyai minat yang mendalam dan mempunyai kepercayaan yang utuh terhadap pendidikan humanistik. Golongan pendidik ini akan memberikan kualiti pendidikan yang akan mendorong para pelajar mengamalkan sikap bertanggungjawab terhadap pembelajaran mereka sendiri, di samping menggunakan program kurikulum dan kokurikulum yang inovatif. Ini bukan sahaja mampu mengasah keperibadian pelajar tetapi juga akan memupuk kebolehan unik setiap pelajar untuk belajar, berkembang dan mencipta nilai.

SISM telah menggaji Dr Nirmala Krishnan, pendidik yang berpengalaman dari India, sebagai pengetuanya. Setelah menamatkan pengajian dari University of Madras, beliau melanjutkan pelajarannya di Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) di Amerika Syarikat. Beliau juga seorang pengetua di sebuah sekolah antarabangsa yang terkemuka di India dan merupakan seorang pendidik yang berpengalaman luas.

Seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Seikyo Shimbun, sekolah ini adalah sekolah antarabangsa yang pertama yang menggunakan nama “Soka,” dan boleh dikatakan sebagai puncak kepada usaha pendidikan Presiden Ikeda setelah menubuhkan sekolah-sekolah Soka di seluruh dunia.

SISM mempunyai jalan menuju ke hadapan yang masih jauh dan misi besar yang berada di luar imaginasi kita. Marilah kita sama-sama memupuk taman pendidikan ini dengan sedaya upaya kita dan mengambil bahagian dalam usaha yang sekali sahaja seumur hidup ini. Marilah kita pastikan bunga-bunga pendidikan Soka yang indah akan berkembang mekar di negara kita Malaysia!
