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November 2020

In This Issue

From SGM General Director

Malaysia Ratifies the TPNW
On the afternoon of September 30, 2020, Malaysian Foreign Minister Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, signed the instrument of ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) on behalf of the Malaysian government, making our nation the 46th country to ratify this Treaty.

Malaysia Meratifikasi TPNW
Pada petang 30 September 2020, Menteri Luar Negeri Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, menandatangani dokumen rasmi meratifikasi Triti Mengenai Pengharaman Senjata Nuklear (TPNW) bagi pihak kerajaan Malaysia, menjadikan Malaysia negara yang ke-46 untuk meratifikasi Triti ini.

From SGI President

Transforming Hardship into Happiness and Joy by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda


The Brilliant Path of Worldwide Kosen-rufu: Learning from The New Human Revolution Commentary on Volume 21 by SGI Vice-President Hiromasa Ikeda

Chapter Summary for Volume 21 of The New Human Revolution from the Seikyo Shimbun

“Unforgettable Scenes” – Key Episodes from Volume 21 from the Seikyo Shimbun

Excerpts from Nichiren’s Writings of Volume 21 from the Seikyo Shimbun

True Victory Depends on Fostering Capable Successors by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

Halaman Kanak-Kanak

Raja Ashoka yang Membina Keamanan


Creating My Vow for Kosen-rufu Pippa Turne, United Kingdom


Connecting to a Higher Spiritual Source by Leong Tuck Yee



In his 39th Peace Proposal issued on January 26, Value Creation in a Time of Crisis, SGI President Daisaku Ikeda addressed major issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic, building a global culture of harmony and human rights, the need to get rid of nuclear weapons and the climate crisis. He proposed solutions for overcoming these challenges and called on the global community to together build a society realising “happiness for both oneself and others through bringing into full play the human capacity to create value.” [1]

When we look at the world today, people are only concerned about their own interests. Most people only care about themselves and their own families, placing their personal concerns above all else. People even resort to unethical methods, even damaging and sacrificing the needs of others in order to fulfil their own interests.

Looking at our pandemic-stricken society as an example, we can see that many people have had their spirits crushed and livelihoods destroyed – they are in dire straits. But the cruel reality is that they are ignored or discriminated against, – even excluded – leaving them isolated and helpless.

Even where the supply of vaccines is concerned, we see that countries only take care of their own needs and turn a blind eye to the needs of other countries.

On this, President Ikeda stressed that we must have the determination to never leave behind those struggling in the depths of adversity, lending them a helping hand, and shine the warm glow of concern in their lives. We must enable them to bring forth the strength to live with dignity and strive to build the foundations for a society where the word “misery” is eradicated.

In “The Three Virtues of Food,” Nichiren Daishonin writes: “If one gives food to others, one will improve one’s own lot, just as, for example, if one lights a fire for others, one will brighten one’s own way.” (WND-2, pg 1060) This teaches us that when we contribute to the wellbeing of others, we ourselves will receive benefit too.

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings states: “‘Joy’ means that oneself and others together experience joy.” (OTT, pg 146) True joy is when we and others enjoy happiness.

On this, President Ikeda says: “Happiness is something that we must each achieve for ourselves and experience in our own lives. But at the same time, one’s own happiness to the exclusion of others is not true happiness. Just being content with one’s own welfare with no concern for others is selfish. By the same token, brushing aside one’s own happiness and caring only about the happiness of others is not sufficient either. True happiness is a condition when both we ourselves and others are happy.” [2]

He also points out: “We cannot steal happiness from someone or attain it by sacrificing others for our own gain. It is something that must be shared – which is why I have always insisted that our happiness must not be built upon the misfortune of others.” [3]

We cannot live alone and isolated. Humankind has always been a community where we share joy and sorrow together. The thinking that helping others will only hurt our interests is the main reason for the terrible state that society is in today.

There is no life more noble than one dedicated to caring for and helping others, and enabling people to become happy.

Let us learn from this pandemic and transform this crisis into opportunity, and together build a society that realises happiness for both oneself and others!

[1] Pg 42 of this issue.
[2] FLOW No. 661 (01.10.2017), pg13–14.
[3] Ibid., pg 14.

On the afternoon of September 30, 2020, Malaysian Foreign Minister Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, signed the instrument of ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) on behalf of the Malaysian government, making our nation the 46th country to ratify this Treaty.

The Minister said of this historic moment in his speech after the signing: “We are taking another step towards ridding the world of nuclear weapons.”

At least 50 countries need to ratify the TPNW for it to come into force. We fervently hope that after Malaysia, more countries will speedily ratify the TPNW – which is vital to our survival – and enable it to come into force as soon as possible.

SGI President Daisaku Ikeda emphasised strongly: “I would like to strongly stress the importance of ensuring that it enters into force within this year, which marks the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This would make 2020 the year that humankind finally began to leave the nuclear age behind us.”(1)

In conjunction with the ratification ceremony, SGM was invited to put up the “Everything You Treasure – For A World Free from Nuclear Weapons” exhibition at Wisma Putra (the Foreign Ministry building in Putrajaya).

The Minister also mentioned in his speech that the journey towards ratification was the result of many people, both in government and outside, as well as external partners, working together, and with passion and vigour towards this goal.

He pointed out that the Foreign Ministry’s international partners include the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Soka Gakkai International (SGI), while local partners included SGM and Malaysians Physicians for Social Responsibility (MPSR).

For us, this is not only a great honour; it is also a recognition for our efforts. Over the years, we have actively held peace lectures, peace symposiums and Run for Peace all over the country. We have tirelessly taken action among people in society, spreading awareness towards peace and demonstrating what it means to be upright and honest people. Today, we have gained great trust from others.

Once the TPNW comes into force, it will be the first legally-binding international treaty that comprehensively bans nuclear weapons. It clearly defines nuclear weapons as weapons that CANNOT be used under any circumstances whatsoever. President Ikeda stresses that the TPNW coming into force is a sign that what seemed like an insurmountable impasse will be broken wide open. At the same time, it signifies that humanity is taking an important step towards a world without nuclear weapons.

Nuclear weapons are the most horrific and destructive weapons in the world, what President Josei Toda called an “absolute evil.” President Ikeda also pointed out that as long as nuclear weapons exist, any endeavour to achieve world peace and the right of all humanity to coexist is nothing more than building castles in the air. Humanity and nuclear weapons cannot coexist.

The path to peace for humanity still lies a long way ahead and there is still much work to do. But as long as humanity comes together in solidarity, we can definitely completely abolish this “absolute evil” from our planet, and build true world peace!

(1) COSMIC, August 2020, pg 25.

Pada petang 30 September 2020, Menteri Luar Negeri Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, menandatangani dokumen rasmi meratifikasi Triti Mengenai Pengharaman Senjata Nuklear (TPNW) bagi pihak kerajaan Malaysia, menjadikan Malaysia negara yang ke-46 untuk meratifikasi Triti ini.

Setelah menandatangani Triti tersebut, dalam ucapan beliau mengenai detik bersejarah itu Menteri tersebut berkata: “Kita maju setapak lagi ke arah menghapuskan senjata nuklear di dunia ini.”

Sekurang-kurangnya 50 negara perlu meratifikasi TPNW untuk membolehkannya dikuatkuasakan. Kita benar-benar berharap agar selepas Malaysia, lebih banyak negara lagi yang akan meratifikasi TPNW dengan segera – yang penting untuk kelangsungan hidup kita – dan membolehkannya dikuatkuasakan secepat mungkin.

Presiden SGI, Encik Daisaku Ikeda memberi penekanan dengan tegas bahawa: “Saya ingin menekankan dengan tegas mengenai kepentingan untuk memastikan TPNW dapat dikuatkuasakandalam tahun ini juga, menandakan ulang tahun ke-75 pengeboman atom di Hiroshima dan Nagasaki. Dengan ini akan menjadikan 2020 sebagai tahun yang mana manusia akhirnya meninggalkan zaman nuklear di belakang kita.”(1)

Bersempena dengan upacara ratifikasi tersebut, Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) diundang untuk mengadakan pameran “Segala yang Anda Hargai – Sebuah Dunia yang Bebas Senjatsa Nuklear” (EYT) di Wisma Putra (bangunan Kementerian Luar Negeri di Putrajaya).

Dalam ucapan beliau, Menteri tersebut juga berkata bahawa perjalanan ke arah ratifikasi ini adalah hasil usaha banyak pihak, baik kerajaan mahupun pihak luar. Begitu juga dengan rakan-rakan dari luar, sama-sama bekerja dengan penuh bersemangat dan berusaha gigih ke arah mencapai matlamat itu.

Beliau berkata bahawa rakan-rakan peringkat antarabangsa Kementerian Luar terdiri daripada Kempen Antarabangsa untuk Menghapuskan Senjata Nuklear (ICAN), Jawatankuasa Palang Merah Antarabangsa (ICRC) dan Soka Gakkai Internasional (SGI), manakala rakan-rakan tempatan terdiri daripada SGM dan Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan untuk Tanggungjawab Sosial Malaysia (MPSR).

Bagi kita, ini bukan sahaja satu penghormatan besar tetapi juga satu pengiktirafan terhadap usaha kita. Bertahun-tahun lamanya kita secara aktif menganjurkan ceramah keamanan, simposium keamanan dan juga Larian Keamanan di seluruh negara. Kita berusaha dengan tidak mengenal penat lelah dalam kalangan masyarakat, menyebarkan kesedaran terhadap keamanan dan memperlihatkan kejujuran dan keikhlasan sebagai manusia. Pada hari ini, kita mendapat kepercayaan yang amat sangat daripada orang lain.

Apabila TPNW berkuat kuasa, ini akan menjadi perjanjian antarabangsa pertama yang mengikat secara sah melarang senjata nuklear secara menyeluruh. Ini dengan jelas mendefinisikan senjata nuklear sebagai senjata yang TIDAK BOLEH digunakan dalam keadaan apa sekalipun. Presiden Ikeda menekankan bahawa TPNW yang berlaku adalah tanda bahawa apa yang kelihatan seperti kebuntuan yang tidak dapat diatasi akan ditembusi dan terbuka luas. Pada masa yang sama, ini menandakan bahawa umat manusia mengambil langkah penting menuju dunia tanpa senjata nuklear.

Senjata nuklear adalah senjata paling dahsyat dan membinasakan di dunia, yang disebut oleh Presiden Josei Toda sebagai “kejahatan mutlak.” Presiden Ikeda juga menyatakan bahawa selagi adanya senjata nuklear, selagi itulah segala usaha untuk mencapai keamanan dunia dan hak semua umat manusia untuk hidup bersama tidak akan tercapai. Manusia dan senjata nuklear tidak dapat hidup bersama-sama.

Jalan menuju keamanan bagi umat manusia masih jauh di hadapan dan masih banyak yang perlu dilakukan. Tetapi selagi umat manusia bersatu dalam solidariti, selagi itulah kita pasti dapat menghapuskan “kejahatan mutlak” dengan sepenuhnya ini dari bumi kita, dan membina keamanan dunia yang sejati!

(1) COSMIC, Ogos 2020, hlm. 25.
