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October 2021

In This Issue

From SGM General Director

Construction of Soka International School Malaysia Is Underway!
Since Negeri Sembilan has entered Phase 3 of the National Recovery Plan (NRP) beginning September 4, the pace of the construction of the Soka International School Malaysia (SISM) has picked up.

Pembinaan Sekolah Soka Internasional Malaysia Sedang Dijalankan!
Sejak Negeri Sembilan memasuki Fasa 3 dalam Pelan Pemulihan Negara (PPN) bermula 4 September, pembinaan Sekolah Soka Internasional Malaysia (SISM) diteruskan semula.

From SGI President

Stirring a Whirlwind of Dialogue to Awaken People’s Buddha Nature by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda


The Brilliant Path of Worldwide Kosen-rufu: Learning from The New Human Revolution Commentary on Volume 30 (part 1) by SGI Vice-President Hiromasa Ikeda

“Unforgettable Scenes” – Key Episodes from Volume 30 (part 1) from the Seikyo Shimbun

Excerpts from Nichiren’s Writings Found in Volume 30 (part 1) from the Seikyo Shimbun

Challenge the Present and Open a Way Forward by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

Youth, Break through Obstacles! by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

Shine as Bright Stars of Hope! by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

Be Invincible in Spirit by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda


Penguin Bloom (film, 2020) Review by Irani Basu

From Up on Poppy Hill (animated film, 2011) Review by Dinesh Chandren

Halaman Kanak-Kanak

Burung Menderita Kesejukan di Gunung Salji


Creating a Carbon-Neutral University Philip Arvind Franck, Germany


Abstract Art, Anyone? by Leong Tuck Yee



Editor’s Note


In his 39th Peace Proposal issued on January 26, Value Creation in a Time of Crisis, SGI President Daisaku Ikeda addressed major issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic, building a global culture of harmony and human rights, the need to get rid of nuclear weapons and the climate crisis. He proposed solutions for overcoming these challenges and called on the global community to together build a society realising “happiness for both oneself and others through bringing into full play the human capacity to create value.” [1]

When we look at the world today, people are only concerned about their own interests. Most people only care about themselves and their own families, placing their personal concerns above all else. People even resort to unethical methods, even damaging and sacrificing the needs of others in order to fulfil their own interests.

Looking at our pandemic-stricken society as an example, we can see that many people have had their spirits crushed and livelihoods destroyed – they are in dire straits. But the cruel reality is that they are ignored or discriminated against, – even excluded – leaving them isolated and helpless.

Even where the supply of vaccines is concerned, we see that countries only take care of their own needs and turn a blind eye to the needs of other countries.

On this, President Ikeda stressed that we must have the determination to never leave behind those struggling in the depths of adversity, lending them a helping hand, and shine the warm glow of concern in their lives. We must enable them to bring forth the strength to live with dignity and strive to build the foundations for a society where the word “misery” is eradicated.

In “The Three Virtues of Food,” Nichiren Daishonin writes: “If one gives food to others, one will improve one’s own lot, just as, for example, if one lights a fire for others, one will brighten one’s own way.” (WND-2, pg 1060) This teaches us that when we contribute to the wellbeing of others, we ourselves will receive benefit too.

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings states: “‘Joy’ means that oneself and others together experience joy.” (OTT, pg 146) True joy is when we and others enjoy happiness.

On this, President Ikeda says: “Happiness is something that we must each achieve for ourselves and experience in our own lives. But at the same time, one’s own happiness to the exclusion of others is not true happiness. Just being content with one’s own welfare with no concern for others is selfish. By the same token, brushing aside one’s own happiness and caring only about the happiness of others is not sufficient either. True happiness is a condition when both we ourselves and others are happy.” [2]

He also points out: “We cannot steal happiness from someone or attain it by sacrificing others for our own gain. It is something that must be shared – which is why I have always insisted that our happiness must not be built upon the misfortune of others.” [3]

We cannot live alone and isolated. Humankind has always been a community where we share joy and sorrow together. The thinking that helping others will only hurt our interests is the main reason for the terrible state that society is in today.

There is no life more noble than one dedicated to caring for and helping others, and enabling people to become happy.

Let us learn from this pandemic and transform this crisis into opportunity, and together build a society that realises happiness for both oneself and others!

[1] Pg 42 of this issue.
[2] FLOW No. 661 (01.10.2017), pg13–14.
[3] Ibid., pg 14.

Since Negeri Sembilan has entered Phase 3 of the National Recovery Plan (NRP) beginning September 4, the pace of the construction of the Soka International School Malaysia (SISM) has picked up.

As of end-September, the first phase of the earthwork has been completed, and the construction of Block A – which houses the visitor centre – and work on the second phase of the school buildings are also underway.

In terms of physical facilities, a total of five buildings will be built. One is a two-storey visitor centre, two are three-storey classrooms and teaching facilities blocks and another two are five-storey dormitories.

Within the school grounds are an auditorium, cafeteria, library, science laboratories, an Olympic-sized swimming pool, a large multi-purpose sports hall, an amphitheatre, track and field facilities, a spacious outside learning area, and other comprehensive teaching and sports facilities.

Furthermore, the entire campus is surrounded by over 40 acres of greenery. Also, the school’s design aims to achieve the Platinum Green Building Index (GBI) rating.

Other than creating the ideal learning environment, the school will dedicate itself to providing quality education. The students are at the core of the school – they come first – and the school will employ an innovative curriculum and cocurricular programmes to foster students who can take ownership of their learning and create value. SISM will also hone the students’ characters, and nurture them to become global citizens who possess a global worldview, wisdom, courage and compassion.

SISM has also recently launched an English-language teaser website (; please scan QR code on the page). You may know more about the school from this website. Chinese and Japanese teaser sites will be launched in October.

The wish of the father of Soka education, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, was to establish schools that embrace the philosophy of Soka education, from elementary (primary) school to university. Thanks to the painstaking efforts of President Ikeda, there are now Soka kindergartens, elementary schools, high schools and universities that uphold Soka education established all over the world. The establishment of the SISM, the first international school bearing the name “Soka,” marks a great achievement for President Ikeda’s endeavours in education.

Education is the basis of humanity and an important, noble endeavour that creates the future. President Ikeda once said that education is the endeavour of fostering people. Education is the work of inspiring and training the infinite potential in human beings, and leading them in the direction of creating value.

It is the foundation for human development and the basis for happiness and peace. President Ikeda describes education as the most noble endeavour of humanity, and views education as his final undertaking.

President Ikeda is now founding the SISM in Malaysia. It is a great honour for Malaysia. Let us work hand in hand and strive with all our might and realise this once-in-a-lifetime endeavour brick by brick, and foster outstanding people for our world!

Sejak Negeri Sembilan memasuki Fasa 3 dalam Pelan Pemulihan Negara (PPN) bermula 4 September, pembinaan Sekolah Soka Internasional Malaysia (SISM) diteruskan semula.

Hingga akhir September, fasa pertama kerja-kerja tanah (earthwork) telah disiapkan, dan pembinaan Blok A – yang merangkumi pusat pelawat – dan kerja-kerja fasa kedua untuk bangunan sekolah itu juga sedang dijalankan.

Dari segi kemudahan fizikal, sebanyak lima bangunan akan dibina. Antaranya merangkumi satu bangunan dua tingkat pusat pelawat, dua bangunan tiga tingkat blok kelas pembelajaran dan kemudahan mengajar, dan dua lagi ialah blok dormitori lima tingkat.

Di perkarangan sekolah terdapat sebuah auditorium, kafeteria, perpustakaan, makmal sains, kolam renang berukuran Olimpik, sebuah dewan sukan serba guna yang besar, sebuah amfiteater, kemudahan trek dan padang, satu kawasan pembelajaran luar yang luas dan kemudahan pengajaran komprehensif yang lain serta kemudahan sukan.

Tambahan pula, seluruh kampus itu dikelilingi oleh kehijauan yang melebihi 40 ekar. Selain itu, reka bentuk sekolah itu juga bertujuan mencapai penarafan platinum Indeks Bangunan Hijau (GBI).

Selain mewujudkan persekitaran pembelajaran yang unggul, sekolah tersebut juga turut berdedikasi untuk memberikan pendidikan yang berkualiti. Para pelajar menjadi teras sekolah – mereka diberi keutamaan – dan sekolah akan menggunakan kurikulum yang inovatif dan program kokurikulum untuk mengasah pelajar-pelajar yang berupaya menguasai pembelajaran diri sendiri dan mencipta nilai. SISM juga akan mengasah watak pelajar-pelajar dan memupuk mereka menjadi warga dunia yang berpandangan global, mempunyai kebijaksanaan, keberanian dan belas kasihan.

Baru-baru ini SISM juga turut melancarkan laman web cuitan (teaser website) Bahasa Inggeris (; sila imbas kod QR di bawah). Anda akan mengetahui lebih lanjut lagi berkenaan dengan sekolah itu daripada laman web ini. Laman web cuitan bahasa Cina dan Jepun akan dilancarkan pada bulan Oktober.

Hasrat bapa pendidikan Soka, Encik Tsunesaburo Makiguchi ialah untuk mendirikan sekolah yang menerapkan falsafah pendidikan Soka, daripada sekolah rendah hingga ke universiti. Berkat usaha gigih Presiden Ikeda, sekarang terdapat tadika Soka, sekolah rendah, sekolah menengah dan universiti yang menjunjung tinggi pendidikan Soka ditubuhkan di seluruh dunia. Penubuhan SISM, sekolah antarabangsa pertama yang menggunakan nama “Soka,” menandakan pencapaian besar bagi usaha Presiden Ikeda dalam pendidikan.

Pendidikan itu asas kepada kemanusiaan dan merupakan usaha yang penting serta luhur yang mencipta masa hadapan. Presiden Ikeda pernah berkata bahawa pendidikan adalah untuk memupuk manusia. Pendidikan itu pekerjaan untuk memberi inspirasi dan melatih potensi yang tidak terbatas dalam diri manusia, dan seterusnya membimbing mereka ke arah mencipta nilai.

Pendidikan itu asas untuk pembangunan manusia dan asas kepada kebahagiaan dan keamanan. Presiden Ikeda menggambarkan pendidikan sebagai usaha yang paling mulia bagi umat manusia, dan menganggap pendidikan sebagai kerja muktamadnya.

Presiden Ikeda kini mengasaskan SISM di Malaysia. Memanglah menjadi satu penghormatan yang besar kepada Malaysia. Marilah kita sama-sama berganding bahu dan bekerja keras untuk merealisasikan usaha sekali seumur hidup ini, satu bata demi satu bata dan memupuk manusia yang cemerlang untuk dunia kita!
