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Welcoming “The Year of Soaring Higher towards a Youthful
Soka Gakkai Worldwide” with New Year Gongyo Meetings


01 Jan. 2025


On New Years Eve and New Years Day, New Year Gongyo Meetings were held at 53 venues nationwide, where members welcomed the Year of Soaring Higher towards a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide with vigorous daimoku. 

This year holds multiple significant milestones: the 95th anniversary of the Soka Gakkais founding, the 65th anniversary of President Ikedas first overseas guidance tour, the 50th anniversary of the SGIs founding, and the 25th anniversary of President Ikedas second visit to Malaysia. 

New Year messages from Soka Gakkai president Minoru Harada and SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai were read out at the meetings. President Harada encouraged members to expand the noble gathering of Bodhisattvas of the Earth, and said, Now is the time for each of us, determined to repay our debt of gratitude to President Ikeda, to powerfully soar higher on the invincible wings of the oneness of mentor and disciple.” Mr Koh also urged everyone to do their utmost to build a solid foundation for a youthful Soka Gakkai.

At some venues, the meetings also included sharing the activities direction for the new year, culture performances, and impressions on the Lotus Sutra Exhibition and the South Asia Youth Training Course in Kansai last year. Additionally, Gohonzon conferral ceremonies were held in Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu and Selangor.

Members also sang Soka Gakkai songs, uplifting their spirit to advance kosen-rufu. Song of Indomitable Dignity” was sung in several venues in Kedah and Melaka, while members in Kelantan sang Helmsmen of Kosen-rufu,” and those in Perak sang We Carry On – One with Sensei!” These songs filled the venues with energy and motivation to move forward into the new year.

Pahang Melaka
Kedah Penang
Selangor Perak