From 15–19 April, the Seeds of Hope and Action (SoHA) exhibition was displayed at SM Chong Hwa Kuantan, where 10 students narrated the panels to some 500 students and staff. The school also conducted a plastic reduction campaign to complement the exhibition. Some narrators expressed that the exhibition helped raise awareness about environmental protection, while a student expressed a commitment to take practical actions, such as recycling and reducing plastic use to protect the Earth.

On 25 and 26 April, the exhibition was also held at Chung Hua Middle School No.4, Kuching. A total of 517 students and teachers viewed the exhibition and actively engaged with the narrators. A student revealed that the exhibition had made him more aware of the effects of daily activities on climate change and deepened his understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which encompass many meaningful aspects beyond merely avoiding littering.