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SGM Holds Women’s Talk on Discovering Women’s Potential in Contributing to Society


18 Jun. 2022


On 18 June 2022, SGM organised an online women’s talk themed “Women’s Contribution Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow”. It saw 1,911 participants in attendance. Sharon Liew and Steph Low were the speakers for the Chinese session while Dr Serina Rahman and Amnani Abdul Kadir spoke at the English session.

Sharon Liew, who is a training consultant for sustainable finance shared her work experience at the Central Bank of Malaysia, a tertiary institution and of becoming a housewife. No matter the circumstance, she upholds a strong spirit to continue learning.

Women Talk Sharon Liew
Sharon Liew

Steph Low is an expert at renovating and transforming old homes to give them a new lease of life. In recognition of her outstanding work, she won several awards. She spoke about the importance of having a persevering spirit as she faced challenges in running a business while facing opposition from loved ones and other setbacks in life.

Women's Talk Steph Low
Steph Low

Dr Serina Rahman is co-founder of Kelab Alami, an organisation formed to empower a Johor fishing community through environmental education for habitat conservation and economic participation in coastal development. She shared about how through capacity building, the local fishing community now receives better income and the local youth is equipped with skills and knowledge.

Women's Talk Dr Serina Rahman
Dr Serina Rahman

Amnani Abdul Kadir shared her experience of joining the Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) and the importance of being patient in reaching one’s dreams. WAO is committed to ending violence against women and is an advocate of women’s rights and of empowering girls.

Women's Talk Amnani Abdul Kadir
Amnani Abdul Kadir

These women inspired the audience to believe in themselves. Through their stories, listeners learnt about persevering to reach one’s goals and bringing out one’s potential. Women are capable of creating great value not only for their own fulfillment but also for a better and sustainable society.
