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SGM Penang Hosts "Life’s A Stage, A Photography Exhibition
by David Tay Poey Cher"


14 Apr. 2024


From 31 March – 14 April, SGM Penang organised the “Life’s A Stage, Photography Exhibition by David Tay Poey Cher” at its culture centre.

The renowned Singaporean photographer invited viewers to explore the splendour of life through his 26 black and white photographs depicting various life stages from the innocence of childhood to the wisdom of old age.

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Penang tourism and creative economy exco YB Wong Hon Wai officiated the exhibition’s opening on 31 March, and was joined by David Tay and SGM Penang chairperson Low Siew Kee for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

In his address, YB Wong Hon Wai remarked on the profound interpretation of life portrayed in his artworks, from capturing the enthusiasm of childhood to depicting the inevitability of fate and the resilience born from adversity. He believed that through exhibiting such compelling photographs, SGM is infusing society with positivity by underscoring the importance of upholding the dignity of life, fostering stronger interpersonal bonds and celebrating cultural diversity.

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SGM Penang vice-chairperson Ewe Chor Huat expressed pride in hosting the exhibition, noting that each photograph extols the greatness of life by highlighting its vitality.

Photographic Society of Penang president Dato’ Looi Toong Hong revealed during an interview that the exhibition helped broaden perspectives and discover the beauty around the world. He also expressed anticipation for SGM to organise more cultural and artistic activities to enrich the community’s appreciation for arts.

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David Tay Poey Cher, the 80-year-old photographer with over six decades of experience, has maintained his passion for black and white photography since the 1960s.

He engaged in discussions with photography enthusiasts after the opening ceremony.

