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SGM Members Nationwide Participate in Online New Year’s General Meeting


01 Jan. 2021


People the world over have experienced a turbulent 2020, and are welcoming the new year with hope in their hearts. 

On the first day of the year, SGM held an online New Year’s general meeting which was broadcasted nationwide through YouTube, that reached 15,000 viewers at the end of the day. 

Kickstarting the event was the Band of Hope who presented several songs to celebrate the arrival of the new year. Two band members also shared how they overcame obstacles caused by the pandemic last year. 

In his New Year’s message, SGI President Ikeda stated that it is always the essence of Nichiren Buddhism “to summon forth the ‘heart of a lion king,’ demonstrate our inner power to the fullest, and triumph with solid unity in purpose.” He urged the members to continue fostering young successors and further expand the Soka movement of hope and victory in society.

Later, a video on SGM’s ten-year-plan and 2021 activities towards the 100th anniversary of Soka Gakkai’s founding in 2030 was presented. By making the three points to achieve given by President Ikeda as the goal, this year SGM will focus on strengthening the organisation, fostering capable people and carrying out quality expansion, hoping that the members will joyfully engage in dialogue and shakubuku, joyfully participate in district meetings and continuously show actual proof of the triumph of human revolution.

Youth representatives also shared their experiences in faith and resolution for the new year. Young men’s division member Yoong Qi Hang from Melaka resolved to enable more members of the student division to join organisational activities through hope-filled dialogue and studying The New Human Revolution. Lim Xin Yao, a young women’s member from Johor was determined to achieve kosen-rufu through dialogue and taking good care of her district members through hope-filled encouragement. Meanwhile, junior division member Voo Chi Ern from Selangor also determined to deepen her faith and inspire people around her to advance towards great good through chanting earnest daimoku. 

Lastly, SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai praised the members for their unyielding spirit even when facing adversities due to the COVID-19 pandemic last year. He further asked the members to strive unitedly with all their might especially on constructing a youthful SGM and establishing the Soka International Secondary School Malaysia.
