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SGM and ISTAC-IIUM Launch Hikmah Toleransi


07 Jan. 2023


On 7 January 2023, Hikmah Toleransi: Falsafah Kemurahan Dan Keamanan (Malay edition of The Wisdom of Tolerance: A Philosophy of Generosity and Peace) was jointly-launched by SGM and the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilisation of International Islamic University Malaysia (ISTAC-IIUM), Kuala Lumpur at the latter’s main hall. Published on 24 August 2022 by the publishing arm of the institute, ISTAC-IIUM Publications, Hikmah Toleransi is a significant dialogue between the late former president of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid (1940-2009) and SGI President Daisaku Ikeda. The event was also held in hybrid, seeing a total of 250 number of attendees.

Covering a vast number of topics such as the shared values of Buddhism and Islam, the role of education, women and youth play in developing society, the book aims to realise peace and build a world where each person can live with dignity.

Hikmah Toleransi: Falsafah Kepemurahan dan Keamanan

In his opening remarks, Prof Dr Abdelaziz Berghout, Dean of ISTAC-IIUM commended SGM’s contribution to the publication of the book, noting that the messages contained within are powerful and pertinent to the circumstances of our times.

SGM President Michael Kok then introduced the authors’ backgrounds, ideologies, works and writings, highlighting the areas of similarities and their endeavours.

From there on, presiding over the launching, Emeritus Prof Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak expressed his joy at the publication of the book and pointed out the world was facing serious issues. He asserted ISTAC’s missions in working to bring people together and the betterment of humanity and civilisation via dialogue and intercultural understanding.

Hikmah Toleransi: Falsafah Kepemurahan dan Keamanan

Following the launching, a book review was also conducted, with a panel consisting of IIUM Prof Emeritus Datuk Dr Osman Bakar, Holder of the Al-Ghazali Chair of Epistemology, Civilisational Studies and Renewal; Prof Datuk Dr Azizan Baharuddin, Director, Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya, who is also the UKM-YSD Chair of Sustainability and Hon. Fellow of the Institut Masa Depan Malaysia; Assoc Prof Dr Imityaz Yusuf, Coordinator, Islamisation of Knowledge, ISTAC-IIUM; Dr Jimmy Tam Kok Chian, SGM student division secretary and Ms Lee Kam Yit, SGM young women’s division leader.

Prof Emeritus Datuk Dr Osman Bakar who contributed a foreword to Hikmah Toleransi kicked off the discussion by speaking on how the book can provide ideas on how the younger generations can learn together, sustain a humanity that transcends differences among people.

Then Prof Datuk Dr Azizan Baharuddin pointed out that trust and capability of people to relate to others is declining, highlighting the need for having more dialogues.

Hikmah Toleransi: Falsafah Kepemurahan dan Keamanan

Assoc Prof Dr Imityaz Yusuf narrated the historical backgrounds of the spread of Nichiren Buddhism and Islam particularly in Southeast Asia, the true intention of having dialogues between religious groups and the importance of coexisting together in peace. He also spoke about the history of Buddhist-Islam dialogue starting from the 11th-century and diversified creativity as the foundation for building dialogue between Muslims and Buddhists in his comprehensive presentation.

In her speech, Ms Lee Kam Yit shared her impression on the vital role of women and youth. She spoke about the two persons mentioned by the authors of Hikmah Toleransi namely Soka Gakkai founding president Makiguchi Tsunesaburo and prominent Indonesian activist Raden Adjeng Kartini, both of whom advocated for women’s rights, their education and happiness. 

The fifth of the panellists Dr Jimmy Tham elaborated on the importance of peace as the most basic starting point for the advancement for humankind. He also spoke about ways to achieve peace and the importance of education, respect and having mentors in life.

Hikmah Toleransi: Falsafah Kepemurahan dan Keamanan

The event was also honoured by the presence of the Director of Wahid Foundation and daughter of late Abdhurrahman Wahid, Dra. Zannuba Arifah Chafsoh Rahman Wahid or Ms Yenny Wahid. In her speech, she commended SGM’s role in getting the book published and stressed the importance of the book in providing strength and wisdom especially in such challenging times. She emphasised the need to keep working more on conducting dialogues with others, strive to bring good to others, need for mentorship and guidance to encounter radicalisation, urging the audience to embrace the authors’ ideals and create a just and peaceful society.

In his closing speech, Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak looked deeper into the meaning of “generosity” and showed that we need to look more deeply at the purpose of education. He hoped the discussion starting from the book will lead to more changes and improvements in education. 

In addition, a signing of a Letter of Intent (LOI) for collaboration between IIUM and SGM was held, indicating a commitment to signing a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) / Memorandum of Agreement (“MOA”) in the near future.

SDGs: Quality EducationSDGs 17



