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SGI Study Vice-Leader Conducts Study Seminars


18 Mar. 2018


SGI Study Division Vice-Leader Sei-ichiro Harada visited Malaysia for the tenth time on March 17 and 18, 2018 to conduct study seminars at SGM Culture Centre. When introducing Mr Harada, SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai mentioned that after the World Youth General Meeting, SGI President Ikeda immediately sent Mr Harada to hold study seminars. He was very grateful for his mentor’s action.

In his message, President Ikeda said that his heart was with us to join the study seminar. He also expressed his expectation on SGM members saying that: “Whatever the times, whether or not kosen-rufu can be achieved depends on whether the Soka family can maintain faith based on the spirit of many in body, one in mind till the very end. And the golden linchpin that serves a model example of this spirit is none other than all of you, fellow members of Malaysia. This is the trust I have for SGM members, as well as my absolute conviction.”

The seminar held on March 17 was joined by 3,217 SGM leaders and was broadcasted live to 27 different venues. Mr Harada mentioned that the Seikyo Shimbun has been publishing news and reports on SGM regularly in recent times. President Ikeda and comrades-in-faith around the world are closely watching over the SGM kosen-rufu movement.

Mr Harada used material from “The Buddhism of the Sun: Illuminating the World” series for the study. He stressed that our way of living must be based on Gosho, it is also the one and only way for SGI members to carry out shakubuku activities. He summarised his lectures by saying that there are four essentials for the victory of the Osaka Campaign: to strive earnestly with the spirit of “[exhausting in] a single moment of life the pains and trials of millions of kalpas” (cf. The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, p. 214); always moving forward with “the strategy of the Lotus Sutra”; remembering that SGI members will always be Buddhas who have made a vow, and whenever we are facing difficulties in kosen-rufu, we should be aware that those difficulties are for us to strive hard to overcome it and thereby expand our lives.

The next day, Mr Harada shared the same series of study material with 3,182 participants watching live broadcast in 32 other venues nationwide. He had shared with the audience the foundation of Buddhism is faith, practice and study. He mentioned that SGI is an organisation which takes action based on the spirit of mentor and disciple to achieve victory. He asked the audience to hold high the banner of kosen-rufu and always practise the ultimate way of Buddhahood which is to achieve happiness for self and others.

After that, some twenty youth led the audience to sing the song “This is My Name” at the end of the study seminars.
