From 29–30 May, SGI study department vice-leader Yasuhiko Yokomizo delivered two Gosho study lectures to over 3,800 people. The first lecture took place at the SGM Culture Centre while the second at the SGM Selangor Culture Centre. Both lectures were broadcast live to 89 venues nationwide.
In the first study session themed “Nichiren Daishonin and the Lotus Sutra,” Mr Yokomizo began by discussing the ideological lineage of the Lotus Sutra. He later delved into explaining the phrases “four teachers of the three countries,” “votary of the Lotus Sutra” and “Bodhisattvas of the Earth.” He added that Nichiren Daishonin is revered as the “Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law” for his great accomplishments in paving the way for all people to attain Buddhahood in the Latter Day.

On the second day, Mr Yokomizo discussed key passages from The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings based on President Ikeda’s “The Buddhism of the Sun – Illuminating the World” lecture series. He highlighted the three characteristics of Nichiren Buddhism: (1) Buddhism for the people, (2) a religion of mentor and disciple and (3) a philosophy of respect for the dignity of life. He also explained the meaning of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo – the essence of the Lotus Sutra – and its power in illuminating hope to the surroundings.
Both sessions were concluded with a question-and-answer session.

The lectures left participants feeling inspired. Young women division member Lee Chee Yien expressed her determination to face every challenge head-on, embracing the principle of “voluntarily assuming the appropriate karma” illustrated in the Lotus Sutra. Learning that the Lotus Sutra is a teaching for the people to attain enlightenment, women division member Choo Chu vowed to share Nichiren Buddhism with others so they too can attain absolute happiness.