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Official Launch of the Malay Edition of Kaneko’s Story and “Blossom of Hope: SGM Art Collection” Exhibition


06 Apr. 2024


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Performances during the launching ceremony


On 6 April, SGM launched the Malay edition of Kaneko’s Story: A Conversation with Kaneko Ikeda titled Kisah Kaneko: Perbualan dengan Kaneko Ikeda, alongside the 11th SGM art collection exhibition themed “Blossom of Hope.” The launching, held at Wisma Kebudayaan SGM, was officiated by Her Highness Tunku Temenggong Kedah Dato’ Seri DiRaja Tan Sri Tunku Puteri Intan Safinaz Almarhum Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah.

Published by the Federation of National Writers Association of Malaysia (GAPENA), Kisah Kaneko chronicles the life experiences of Kaneko Ikeda, wife of the late Soka Gakkai International President Daisaku Ikeda. Her story intricately weaves through the roles of a devoted wife, loving mother and unstinting supporter of a leader of a worldwide peace movement.

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Her Highness Tunku Temenggong Kedah Dato’ Seri DiRaja Tan Sri Tunku Puteri Intan Safinaz Almarhum Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah


In her speech, Her Highness Tunku Temenggong Kedah commended Mrs Ikeda’s remarkable life journey which embodies resilience, hope and a steadfast commitment to peace. Her HIghness emphasised that Kisah Kaneko transcends mere narration – it is a potent testament to the resilience and spirit of a woman.

Eminent linguist and academician Emeritus Prof Dato’ Dr Hajah Asmah Haji Omar, who translated the book to Malay, described Mrs Ikeda as an individual with an outstanding personality who stands firm in the face of every storm.

20240406 Kisah KanekoEmeritus Prof Dato’ Dr Hajah Asmah Haji Omar 20240406 Kisah Kaneko Datuk Haji Zainal Abidin Datuk Wira Haji Borhan

GAPENA president Datuk Haji Zainal Abidin Datuk Wira Haji Borhan expressed his hope that Mrs Ikeda’s life story would serve as a source of inspiration for readers from diverse backgrounds, motivating them to work towards fostering a more compassionate and inclusive global community.

Soka Gakkai women’s leader Kimiko Nagaishi shared that the book was first published in Japan in 2005 and has since touched the hearts of millions. She recounted how countless women, including herself, have drawn strength and inspiration from Mrs Ikeda’s life.

20240406 Kisah KanekoSoka Gakkai women’s leader Kimiko Nagaishi 20240406 Kisah Kaneko SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai

SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai gave a tribute speech to Mrs Ikeda, acknowledging her unwavering support and devoted contribution to championing world peacebuilding alongside President Ikeda.

Also present were editors of Kisah Kaneko Tuan Haji Hamzah Hamdani and Nurul Nabilah Zainal Abidin from GAPENA.

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In regards to the “Blossoms of Hope: SGM Art Collection” exhibition, Her Highness Tunku Temenggong Kedah highlighted how Mrs Ikeda’s unwavering hope, even in adversity, resonates with the exhibition theme.

Similarly, Mr Koh echoed this sentiment, stating “Just as flowers bloom unexpectedly, exuding their unique charm and vitality, these artworks symbolise resilience and the enduring spirit of hope.”

The exhibition, featuring 40 artworks by 31 artists from Malaysia, South Korea, China and Hong Kong, uses flowers as its primary subject to unveil a rich tapestry of artistic styles and perspectives on nature and life.

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“Blossoms of Hope: SGM Art Collection” exhibition