SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai conducted study sessions for leaders and members on 10 and 11 June respectively at the SGM Culture Centre. The sessions were also broadcast nationwide with a total of over 6,000 individuals participating.
The theme of the leader’s study session was “Human Revolution” which is the purpose of Buddhist practice. Mr Koh explained the principles of human revolution, concrete ways to achieve it and non-members’ perspective on human revolution movements. He concluded by encouraging everyone to show victorious proof of individual “human revolution” in building a peaceful world.
Meanwhile, the members’ session served as an introduction to the Soka Gakkai. Mr Koh spoke about the organisation’s background, mission, the five eternal guidelines and various other aspects. He stressed that Soka Gakkai is the sun and hope of humanity in the 21st century, urging everyone to never leave the organisation and to protect it throughout their lives.