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Dialogue with Nature Photography Exhibition


01 Apr. 2003


SGI President Daisaku Ikeda‘s photography exhibition, ‘Dialogue with Nature’ opened on April 1 at the National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur. A total of 102 photographs taken by Mr Ikeda are being shown for the first time in Malaysia due to the joint efforts of the National Art Gallery, Soka Gakkai International and Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM).

The official opening of the exhibition, which took place on April 4, 2003 was attended by around 1,000 guests. Dato’ Dr Ng Yen Yen, Deputy Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism opened the exhibition. Among those who attended the ceremony were Tan Sri Kamarul Ariffin, Chairman of National Art Gallery’s Board of Trustees; High Commissioner of South Africa to Malaysia, H.E. Dr Abraham Nkomo; High Commissioner of Fiji to Malaysia, H.E. Adi Litia Samanunu Q.T. Cakobau; Ambassador of Cuba to Malaysia, H.E. Pedro Monzon Barata and High Commissioner of Ireland to Malaysia, H.E. Daniel Mulhall of Ireland; and representatives from various art and photography associations.

During her opening speech, Dato’ Dr Ng Yen Yen stated that the theme of ‘Dialogue with Nature’ embodies Mr Ikeda’s vision for peace. The Deputy Minister then presented Mr Ikeda with a certificate of appreciation for his efforts in promoting goodwill and international understanding through cultural exchanges.

Dialogue with Nature Photography Exhibition           Dialogue with Nature Photography Exhibition

In Mr Ikeda’s message, which was read out by SGM Deputy President, Liu Cheng Choong, he expressed his deep respect for Malaysian’s warmth and generosity of spirit, which has enabled them to live in unity and coexist in thriving harmony in a multi-ethnic society. Malaysia has taught the world an invaluable principle for different peoples to live together in peace. Paying deep respect for the ordinary citizens who “strive purposely toward tomorrow amidst both the joys and sorrows of life,” he affirmed his unequivocal stance against war, which causes untold devastation and human suffering.
