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6040 Commemorative Meeting


15 Jun. 2024


To commemorate the 60th anniversary of Malaysian kosen-rufu this year and the 40th anniversary of SGM’s establishment on 15 June, commemorative events were held nationwide.

On 15 June, SGM Greater Kuala Lumpur (GKL) held a commemorative meeting at the SGM Culture Centre, featuring an interview with pioneering seniors Liu Cheng Choong, Kok Kam Ying, Pang Chok Wai and Looi Chee Choong. The seniors spoke about the role of SGM’s publications, the spirit of making financial contributions and the importance of fostering youth, among other topics. They urged the youth to read more of SGM’s publications to understand President Ikeda’s thoughts. They also resolved to make SGM an organisation where young people could feel the joy of expanding kosen-rufu.

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SGM Culture Centre


At the meeting, three victory reports were shared. GKL young men’s and young women’s division chiefs Khoo Koon Hoe and Seow Phooi Khei then delivered a speech, emphasising the significance of repaying gratitude to President Ikeda and the pioneering seniors. They also encouraged the youth to work towards promoting “The Lotus Sutra – A Message of Peace and Harmonious Coexistence” exhibition. They later led the participants to sing “Eternal Journey with Sensei” with great enthusiasm.

GKL leader Sun Kien Seng called on the participants to unite and create a great wave of shakubuku in SGM.

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SGM Selangor Culture Centre


Meanwhile, in Selangor, the 6040 commemorative celebration was held at its culture centre on 2 June. Over 3,000 attendees enjoyed a food bazaar, interactive workshops and captivating cultural performances. with interesting activities such as food bazaar, workshops and culture performances. A highlight of the event was the “Our Glorious Legacy” exhibition chronicling the remarkable journey of Malaysian kosen-rufu and the founding of SGM. SGM Vice-General Director Johnny Ng encouraged everyone to unite in constructing a Youthful Selangor.
