On May 19, an Nationwide All-Leaders Broadcast Meeting was held at the SGM Culture Centre and broadcast to SGM centres nationwide. General Director Koh Sia Feai conducted a study session on the significance of shakubuku, urging everyone to exert themselves in shakubuku as it brings supreme joy.
Towards achieving 20,000 Professors of Happiness on July 3, each chapter nationwide shall achieve 25 new Professors of Happiness. To do so, we must first overcome our own fundamental darkness and weaknesses. To do so, we must have strong determination, chant daimoku infused with a vow and take courageous action. Our lives will then be brimming with unlimited potential and energy.
He urged all to encourage other fellow members be involved in the shakubuku campaign and respond to our mentor. This would be the best way to create victory and repay our debt of gratitude to President Ikeda. Mr Koh then expressed his hopes that SGM will definitely achieve 20,000 Professors of Happiness by July 2 and create new history in Malaysian kosen-rufu.