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2021 Nationwide Youth Peace Assembly Students discuss global issues in the age of crisis and a vision for the post-Covid world


26 Sep. 2021


The Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) Student Division organised the 2021 Nationwide Youth Peace Assembly on September 26 (Sunday) at 10am, with the theme of “We Arise! Be the Light of Hope!”

This creative and insightful online youth peace assembly was broadcasted via YouTube and achieved a total of more than 15,000 viewership for both the English and Chinese versions in just one day. Many were deeply moved and inspired by the passion and power of youth in bringing betterment to the society through their courageous and hope-filled actions in these dire times of crisis, creating the highest value in life.

Citing the annual Peace Proposal titled, “Value Creation in a Time of Crisis,” by Soka Gakkai International President Daisaku Ikeda, the SGM Student Division members shared that, “If we were to compare the nations of the world to ships that are each engaged in an ocean passage, the novel coronavirus represents a storm of unmatched fury that has struck them all at the same time such that, despite being in the same sea of troubles, they all risk being blown off course in different and random directions.”

Therefore, President Ikeda emphasises that, the international communities should make the present crisis an opportunity for strengthening people-centred multilateralism through the UN system, and such international co-operation must always be based on the benefits and well-being of all humankind.

The young students also discussed the epoch-making significance of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which came into force on January 22 this year. The entry into force of the nuclear ban treaty has revealed to the world that despite the critical situation of the pandemic, as long as people continue to strive together towards the same goal, we can definitely create a new history that will illuminate humanity with the light of hope.

Just as President Ikeda writes, however deep the chaos and confusion of the times, we must have absolute conviction in the limitless power of value creation, promote inclusiveness and actively contribute to the community, building a post-Covid world where all can live and flourish together in harmonious coexistence.

You can watch the 2021 Nationwide Youth Peace Assembly via the following links:

Press Contact: Koo Wei Qian
