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Grand Opening of “Chinese Ink Delight” Art Exhibition by Li Zhengwu


11 Aug. 2019


On August 4, 2019, the opening ceremony of “Chinese Ink Delight – An Art Exhibition by Sichuan Artist Li Zhengwu” was held at the SGM Penang Culture Centre in Bayan Lepas. Consul-General of the People’s Republic of China in Penang Lu Shiwei was on hand to officiate the ceremony, which was attended by some 200 art enthusiasts.

In his welcoming speech, SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai praised Li’s art philosophy, and how his artistic characteristics match his personality. He also said we can learn from his spirit of respecting his mentor Sun Zhuli, and that of always learning and moving forward. Li has dedicated the last 20 years to promoting Chinese culture in Malaysia for the sake of building a bridge between the two countries. Mr Koh expressed hopes of SGM having more cultural and academic exchanges with China.

Li took the stage next. He said that art originates from the daily lives of ordinary people and has high value. He said that to become an outstanding artist, one should practise lifelong learning and study poetry so that one can experience the charms of art, a lesson he had learnt from some 60 years’ involvement in art.

In his opening speech, Mr Lu said art is the bridge of understanding among countries and the common language of humanity. He praised Li’s unique artistic style containing the values of humanity and beauty and successfully merges traditional Chinese culture and Western elements.

He also noted that this year is the 45th anniversary of the official start of bilateral relations between Malaysia and China, and many commemorative events have been held. Malaysia and China are seeing more collaboration in various areas with many endeavours yielding good results. This exhibition is akin to icing on the cake.

The artist then presented two paintings to SGM for its permanent collection.

The exhibition, which was held from August 3 to 11, showcased 43 ink paintings and 40 gold foil paintings featuring landscape, flowers, birds, person and animals, and was viewed by some 450 people. 
