Daisaku Ikeda has authored and co-authored over 100 books. His writings are a reflection of his energetic engagement and accomplishment as a philosopher, an active proponent of peace, and an educator.
Writing is as precious to me as life itself. My only wish is to provide a glimmer of hope, to light the torch of courage, for as many readers as possible.
– Daisaku Ikeda, SGI President

Published Works in Malaysia
Apart from SGM, other reputable Malaysian publishers have published his works in English and Malay.
Hikmah Toleransi – Falsafah Kepemurahan dan Keamanan
Co-author: Abdurrahman Wahid
Publisher: ISTAC-IIUM Press
Kerakyatan Planet – Nilai Murni, Kepercayaan dan Perilaku Kita Boleh Membentuk Dunia Berdaya Tahan
Co-author: Hazel Henderson
Publisher: University of Malaya Press
Ke Arah Keamanan: Penyelesaian Global dari Timur dan Barat
Co-author: Nur Yalman
Publisher: GAPENA
Lagu Kalbuku: Puisi dan Foto oleh Daisaku Ikeda (Songs from My Heart)
Publisher: GAPENA
Sepanjang Hayat Mencari Keamanan: Sebuah Dialog (Lifelong Quest for Peace: A Dialogue)
Co-author: Linus Pauling
Publisher: University of Malaya
Peradaban Global: Dialog Buddha-Islam (Global Civilisation: A Buddhist-Islam Dialogue)
Co-author: Majid Tehranian
Publisher: GAPENA
Dialog Timur-Barat: Melihat Kepada Revolusi Manusia (A Dialogue between East and West: Looking to a Human Revolution)
Co-author: Ricardo Díez Hochleitner
Publisher: GAPENA
Sahabat yang Sentiasa di Hati: Kenangan Pertemuan dengan Tokoh-tokoh dari Seluruh Dunia yang Tidak dapat Dilupakan (Unforgettable Friends)
Publisher: GAPENA
Pertemuan yang Indah: Kenangan Pertemuan dengan Tokoh-tokoh dari Seluruh Dunia yang Tidak dapat Dilupakan (Wonderful Encounters)
Publisher: GAPENA (Federation of National Writers Associations)
Unforgettable Friends: Recollections of Meeting with Unforgettable People from Around the World
Publisher: Open University Malaysia
Wonderful Encounters: Recollections of Meeting with Unforgettable People from Around the World
Publisher: UKM Press
Kemanusiaan Baru: Koselksi Ucapan Universiti Daisaku Ikeda (A New Humanism: The University Speeches of Daisaku Ikeda)
Publisher: Penerbit Fajar Bakti (now Oxford-Fajar)
Keamanan Abadi I & II (A Lasting Peace, I & II)
Publisher: Penerbit Fajar Bakti (now Oxford-Fajar)
Warkah Empat Musim (Letter of Four Seasons)
Co-author: Yasushi Inoue
Publisher: Penerbit Fajar Bakti (now Oxford-Fajar)
Kanak-kanak Kaca dan Esei-esei Lain (Glass Children and Other Essays)
Publisher: Penerbit Fajar Bakti (now Oxford-Fajar)
Sebelum Terlewat (Before It is too Late)
Co-author: Aurelio Peccei
Publisher: Penerbit Fajar Bakti (now Oxford-Fajar)
Memilih Kehidupan: Suatu Dialogue (Choose Life)
Co-author: Arnold J. Toynbee
Publisher: Penerbit Fajar Bakti (now Oxford-Fajar)