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Everyone Has a Mission

Hope Series (8)

Hope Series Ngai Yuen Jing Everyone Has Mission


Besides doctors and nurses who treat patients as they put themselves at risk every day, another group of professionals who are also frontliners and are at risk are the pharmacists. Pharmacists play a crucial role in providing medical supply, counselling, ensuring medication safety and educating people about Covid-19 and reminding them of the importance of washing hands frequently and social distancing.

Hope Series Ngai Yuen Jing Everyone Has MissionYuen Jing works as a pharmacist in a health clinic. She shared that not many recognises pharmacists as key healthcare professionals and so they are often neglected. However, using her Buddhist practice, she strengthens her faith to cope with her daily challenges in high spirit. She says, “My life mentor, Daisaku Ikeda, says that everyone has a mission that only he or she can fulfil. Even ‘you’ who are reading this right now play an important role. At the onset when protective gears and face masks were unavailable, my colleagues and I made our own. We encouraged each other. I firmly resolve to fulfil my mission as a pharmacist, never let our guard down and to always protect our patients.”

SGI President Ikeda said: “The human spirit is as expansive as the cosmos. This is why it is so tragic to belittle yourself or to question your worth. No matter what happens, continue to push back the boundaries of your inner life. The confidence to prevail over any problem, the strength to overcome adversity and unbounded hope—all reside within you.

Source: SGM Facebook, 2020
